Air Cooler ( Dessert Cooler ) Maintenance

the maintenance is necessary of all electrical equipment , efficiency improvement due to maintenance. today we discuss about air cooler known also as a desert cooler. Main parts of Air cooler 1. Exught Fan 2. Water pump( tullu pump) 3. cooling Pad 4. Body 5. Switch and regulator 6. safety grill. Explanations each part- 1. Exught fan-when sesion is off than paint the fan body and fan legs. and do proper bearing lubrication,also check fan tightness and ballance. 2. Water pump - water pump not run empty if pump run empty can burn pump. if pump is not runnig so open rotor and clean.this pump is use and through not repairable, check water discharge pipe is clean and proper water distribute all side. 3. cooling pad - There is another important part that you can’t ignore in your air cooler – the cooling pads. Ideally, you should change it every season.They feature honeycomb pads that provide maximum performance with minimum maintenance. All you need to do is clean them and ch...